Solution - Webcam not working on WVD

A bug in Teams for the WVD Azure environment prevents the camera from working. The camera works in the Operating System, but when you open Teams, it is not redirected and does not work.

So far Microsoft does not have a solution, the Teams team of engineers are working on a solution with a date set for the end of next week (05/02/2021).

As a workaround, you can create a file in the% appdata% of users to force redirection of the Webcam.

Manual bypass solution

1. Copy the script below and paste into the notepad

REM by DicasQueFunfa
REM ******************************
echo Corrigi um bug no Teams para ambiente do WVD Azure
REM Finaliza o Teams se tiver em execução
taskkill /im teams.exe /f
REM Cria a parametrização de correção pra forçar o reconhecimento da Web Cam no Teams
REM persistent.conf COM O VALOR: {"RtmCodecsConfig":{"CapturerApiForce":"1"}}
echo {"RtmCodecsConfig":{"CapturerApiForce":"1"}} > %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams\SkypeRT\persistent.conf
echo Correção finalizada.
echo Pode abrir o Teams e fazer o teste na Webcam

2. Save as Fix_Web_Cam_Teams_WVD.cmd and execute

Automated solution

This solution is applied to all users who use Teams on the computer


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