Pci.sys is not found or is corrupted
If your computer to start displaying a message that the C:\Winnt\System32\Drivers\Pci.sys file was not found or is corrupted,prepare the Pocket! Most of these problems are related to memory.
Possibly iscaused by a problem in addressing one of the memories;try the following to resolve the problem:
Possibly iscaused by a problem in addressing one of the memories;try the following to resolve the problem:
- Start your computer in the Recovery Console.
- Insert the Windows XP startup disk in the CD/DVD drive. Restart the computer.
- Start the computer from the CD/DVD drive
The "Welcome to Setup" appears. - Press R to repair a Windows installation and
- Press C to start the Recovery Console.
- Type the number that corresponds to the Windows XP installation you want, and then press ENTER.
- Enter the administrator password and press ENTER.
- At the Recovery Console prompt, type map , and then press ENTER. Note the drive letter assigned to the CD/DVD drive
- Type the following command at the command prompt, and then press ENTER expand unidade: \i386\pci.sy_ c: \winnt\system32\drivers/ywhere unidade is the drive letter of your CD/DVD-ROM drive, where c is the drive on which Windows is installed and winnt is the folder where Windows is installed.
- Type exit and press ENTER to quit the Recovery Console.
- Restart Windows in normal mode and test.
If you followed
the above step the problem is not resolved, replace the memory, because
this error can also be caused by a problem in addressing one of the
memories during startup of windows XP.
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