Pci.sys is not found or is corrupted

If your computer to start displaying a message that the C:\Winnt\System32\Drivers\Pci.sys file was not found or is corrupted,prepare the Pocket! Most of these problems are related to memory.

Possibly iscaused by a problem in addressing one of the memories;try the following to resolve the problem:

  1. Start your computer in the Recovery Console.
    1. Insert the Windows XP startup disk in the CD/DVD drive. Restart the computer.
    2. Start the computer from the CD/DVD drive
      The "Welcome to Setup" appears.
    3. Press R to repair a Windows installation and
    4. Press C to start the Recovery Console.
    5. Type the number that corresponds to the Windows XP installation you want, and then press ENTER.
    6. Enter the administrator password and press ENTER.
  2. At the Recovery Console prompt, type map , and then press ENTER. Note the drive letter assigned to the CD/DVD drive
  3. Type the following command at the command prompt, and then press ENTER
    expand unidade: \i386\pci.sy_ c: \winnt\system32\drivers/y
    where unidade is the drive letter of your CD/DVD-ROM drive, where c is the drive on which Windows is installed and winnt is the folder where Windows is installed.
  4. Type exit and press ENTER to quit the Recovery Console.
  5. Restart Windows in normal mode and test.
If you followed the above step the problem is not resolved, replace the memory, because this error can also be caused by a problem in addressing one of the memories during startup of windows XP.


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