This tab has been recovered. A problem on this web page

The Problem
You were accessing an application in Internet Explorer 8 normally, and suddenly he begins to display the following message: "this tab has been recovered. A problem on this web page has made Internet Explorer close and reopen the tab "


1-go to START, RUN and type REGEDIT and click OK (with an administrator account)
2-navigate to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer, right-click on the Internet Explorerfolder, click Rename , and rename to Internet Explorer.old.
3-Now navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settingskey, right-click over the Internet Settingsfolder, click Rename , and rename to Internet Settings.old.
4-close the Registry Editor and test now.

If you do not resolve the problem then follow this procedure below

1-Click on this link:
2-click on Run and follow the steps in the wizard.
3-in the Reset Internet Explorer settings, click Reset.
4-Select the delete personal settings check box.
5-when Internet Explorer finishes, click Close, and then click Close again.
6-close and start Internet Explorer.
test Internet Explorer 7 and Ok

This second procedure, is described in the documentation


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