Solver-is unable to find project or library

The problem
We can see that the user was with problem to run a macro in an Excel 2010 file, which used a SOLVER add-in.
Whenever the user ran the macro, was displayed the following error message:
Error Message intext:
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Compilation error:
Is unable to find project or library
OK Help
Error Message inimage:

Talking to the user we discover that the file that was showing the error was created in a different version of Microsoft Excel 2010. The file was created in Excel 2003.
Analyzing the structure of the file and the SOLVER references we have found that the reference to the solver was with the status missing: SOLVER and the appointment to the Office 2003 installation folder.
It was there that we found the problem.
See the step by step to solve the problem mentioned in the above image:

1. click Ok in the error message and completely close your Excel file
2. Open the Excel;
3. Open with Excel, press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic
4. in the VBA editor, click on the menu Tools, References.

5. the dialog box References VBAProject part is displayed, select the Solver reference and then click OK

If the Solver reference or missing: SOLVER is not available in the dialog box References VBAProject part:
1. click on Browse ... The dialog box Add reference is displayed
2. locate the folder of Programas\Microsoft Office\Office14\Library\SOLVER C:\Arquivos;
3. Open the SOLVER.XLAM-to do this, change the display type of the file as the image below:

6. then click SOLVER.XLAM and Open.
7. a reference to the SOLVER is added in the References-VBAProject dialog.
8. click OK , and then run your Excel file with the solver add-in that was showing error.


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