Office file validation has detected a problem while trying to open the file

When you try to open a file from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher 97 to 2003, and this file fails Office file validation, the following warning is displayed:
"The office file validation has detected a problem while trying to open the file. It may be dangerous to open it. "

This error occurs because the Add Validation In is installed on your machine and for some mutivo he did not validate the file that you are trying to open.

Add Validation In,
Office file validation (OFV) is a security feature that was introduced in Microsoft Office 2010 and that checks whether a specific binary file meets the expectations of the application. Office file validation can help prevent attacks by unknown binary file formats file formats from Microsoft Office 97-2003.

A quick way to solve this problem and removing the Add Validation In

1. Click Start
2. click Control Panel
3. on the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs cliqcar
4. Select Add Validation In and then click on Uninstall

Other problem that you may experience when you use the Add Validation In:

  • Files created in Microsoft Excel 2.0, 3.0 or Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel 4.0 fail validation when you use Office file validation in Office 2003.
  • The Solver.xla file failed validation when you use Office file validation in Office 2003.
  • When you paste a lot of graphics or data points in an Office 2003 document, the paste function can take a long time to be completed while the Office file validation attempts to validate the new data.
  • Open files on a network that has many graphics or data points takes longer in Office 2003.

Another way to solve without having to uninstall Validation Add In:

Solution for Office 2010

You can manually set the registry entries by using the following values:
Value: DisableEditFromPV
Default value: 0
Description: When the Office file validation failed
0 = enable editing in protected view.
1 = Disable editing in protected view.
Add the DisableEditFromPV REG_DWORD for any or all of the following registry subkeys to disable editing in protected view in Office 2010:



Solution for Office 2007 and Office 2003

You can manually set the registry entries by using the following values:
Value: InvalidFileUIOptions
Default value: 0
Description: When the Office file validation failed
0 = notify user about file failed. Offer the user the option to download the file or not
1 = notify user about file failed. No option to download the file.
For the 2007 Microsoft Office system
Add InvalidFileUIOptions REG_DWORD for any or all of the following registry subkeys for Office file validation in Microsoft Office 2007 system:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileValidation

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileValidation

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileValidation
For Office 2003
Add InvalidFileUIOptions REG_DWORD to any or all of the registry subkeys for Office file validation in Office 2003:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security\FileValidation

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security\FileValidation

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileValidation



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