Office Excel/Word-does not allow changing the Macro security level
The problem:
You try to change the Office Macro Settings in Excel or Word 2003 and can't-even with a local administrator account.
Not permitgonechange the Macro security level in the menu Tools, Macro, security.You try to change the Office Macro Settings in Excel or Word 2003 and can't-even with a local administrator account.
See how to solve this problem:
1. open the Windows registry (REGEDIT): click Start, Run and type: "regedit"
2. navigate to the key Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ " Security" (if the problem is in the Word change "Excel" for "Word")
3. delete the folder "Security"
4. close regedit
5. open Word or Excel and change the macro security option
Clicking Window.thethese passthe,a new key will be created:"
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