ODBC-call failed

Analysis of the problem
The user was having problem to import/link some queries in Microsoft ACCESS 2010 used the drive of IBM DB2 CONNECT.
We note that the DSN was configured in the wrong place in ODBC. The ODBC standard Windows 7 64-bit is 64 bit and does not work for programs that require a connection with source in the 32 bit ODBC.
The problem was solved as follows:
1. Click Start, click Run (or Windows key on the keyboard + R) and type:%windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
2. perform the required settings and test.
So, when the application is using 32-bit source connection, the connection is automatically loaded from the DSN configured in Odbcad32.exe located in the folder%systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64.

Even the DSN configured correctly when the user was testing did not work.
When the user was the process of connecting with the DSN sources within the MS Accss, received the following error message: "ODBC-call failed. The drive specified could not be loaded due to system error 193: (IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER, D:\Arquivo of progras\SQLLIB\BIN\DB2CLI.DLL). (# 160) "
We check so this was a mismatch with the MS Office 2010 64 bit.
The problem was solved by removing the MS Office 2010 64 bit and installed a 32 bit summer

See the step by step


1. remove the MS Office 2010 64 bit and install the MS Office 2010 32 bit
2. Install and configure the DB2 Connect; following the recommended procedure for your enterprise;
3. Configure the DSN, click start, run (or Windows key on the keyboard + R) and type:%windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe;
4. Test with the user, and then click ok.


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