Flash in Internet Explorer 8 by displaying a screen all black

The problem:
When you run a Flash presentation in Internet Explorer 8, ertheexibidthean all-black screen and the video does notit was shown.

In this case, the presentation does notwas performedwhyand (e)built in stavathein mámachine the latest version of Flash-to 11.5-thatwas showing some incompatibility and not ran the video in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox or the 10.


See the step-by-step:

Preparing to install Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 11 and Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin

1. Remove Control Panel in the Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 11 and Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin, (the latter is used by Mozilla Firefox)
2. clean browser history; Press Ctl + Shift + Del (see example http://www.dicasquefunfa.com.br/2012/10/browse-with-seguranca-e-tranquilidade.html)

Installing the Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 11 and Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin

2. In Flash Player archives, click (Released 3/10/2011) Flash Player (164 MB)
3. choose a location on your computer to download the file
4. Unzip the installers

Installing Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin (for Mozilla Firefox)
5. run the file flashplayer11_0r1_152 _win_32bit.exe 11_0r1_152_32bit folder or 11 _0r1_152_64bit (architecture)

Installing the Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 11 (for Microsoft Internet Explorer)
5. Run the file flashplayer11_0r1_152 _winax_32bit.exe 11_0r1_152_32bit folder or 11 _0r1_152_64bit (architecture)
6. test with the user, and then click ok.


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