Fix AutoCAD 2007 correction in Windows 7 64 Bits

The problem:
AutoCAD 2007 has compatibility issues with Windows 7 64 bit and was not approved by Autodesk for running in Windows 7.
Analysis on the problem:
We note that after installation of AutoCAD 2007, when you try to run it, the software doesn't open.
Even by selecting the option to "compatibility mode with Windows XP SP2, the system did not work. We conduct other tests by adding the user to the Administrators group and enabled compatibility mode again with WinXP SP2, and that outside AutoCAD worked normally.
Since the user could not be in the Administrators group, use the ACT to force the settings mentioned above; and then install the fix on the micro user correction.
Contouring solution
This is an outline solution to "fix" the incompatibility of AutoCAD 2007 with Windows 7 64 bit.
Step by step to Fix installation of AutoCAD 2007 mismatch correction

1. download to your computer the fix "AutoCAD2007.sdb" (e.g. C:\temp)
2. Click on the start menu and type: cmd
3. Click with the right side of the mouse on the icon "cmd.exe" choose the option "run as Administrator"
4. at the command prompt type: sdbinst c:\temp\AutoCAD2007.sdb and then press ENTER.


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